Summarizer Tool Online: Free and Fast Way to Get the Boring Task Done
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WowEssays loves making life easier for students! That’s why we are thrilled to welcome this new summary generator to our website. It is simple and straightforward, yet – make no mistake – it can be a great helper.
Often students contact our support team with a request: “Summarize my paper, please. Nothing fancy, just make it short ASAP.” When time is of the essence, automation comes to the rescue! This summary tool online will crunch a lengthy text and spit out a shortened version of it before you can blink. It is a cool option when you’ve forgotten you had to add a summary on top of your paper that is due today, and you’ve been just about to send it.
However, if you want this task done eloquently and can afford to wait a couple of hours, better let a professional writer do the job. Place an order or turn to our Customer Support team for details.
What Is the Text Summarization Tool?
The text summarizer is a pretty self-explanatory name. This automated tool uses AI language processing technology to compress any text into a cliff-notes version, reducing the volume in half (more or less). Since we are an essay writing service, let’s take a typical essay as an example. We have a 650-word piece about comparative politics from our sample database, and it needs to be summarized into a paragraph that presents a succinct overview of the topic. Put it through our summarize tool – and we get a 250-word paraphrased version of it. Just like that!
How to Use Our Article Summary Generator
We have made this tool available for you free to help you with your studies and optimize some routine tasks. The article summarizer is intuitive and very easy to use. Just follow these steps:
- Copy a text you want to summarize
Copy any paper you need to summarize. Please note that you can only use this website to summarize articles that are at least 500 words long. It won’t do anything with a shorter text.
- Paste it into the summarizer window
Paste the copied text into the summarizer window. The algorithm will analyze and process the text momentarily, extracting key statements, figures, and quotes.
- Click the “Send” button situated under the window
The brief version of the text will appear in the “Summary” window below the window with your original text. Above the “Summary” window, you will see the stats bar displaying the original length of your text in characters, summary length in characters, and summary ratio in percent, showing by which factor the text has been reduced in volume. Usually, the longer the text, the higher the percentage.
- Get your summary!
You can copy the summary in full by using the quick “Copy to clipboard” button. Alternatively, select, copy and paste any part of it directly from the window.
When the Automated Essay Summarizer Tool Comes in Handy
This fantastic summary maker is for studying and professional use. Here are just some of the things you can use it for:
- Quick essay summary generator for assignments that require an abstract to be included.
- Text compressor that delivers the gist of it in a short form. An invaluable help when you need to parse tons of articles for a research paper.
- Paraphrasing to avoid plagiarism for cases when you need to convey several paragraphs worth of information, in other words.
- Study notes creator that identifies crucial facts and definitions in a bundle of study materials for your effortless revision sessions.
- Annotated bibliography aid to reduce the time you spend on summarizing scholarly sources.
3- Paragraph Summarizer for Texts of Any Length
Although this summary creator works great for any text above 500 words, it is best for larger pieces. Basically, what you have here is an online 3- paragraph summary generator that can retell a voluminous scholarly article in about 500 words. Therefore, its work is much more impressive when you put in a 7,000-word opus and receive a concentrated output of about 7% of the initial text.
That said, if you need to use this summary further for annotated bibliography or as an abstract, follow these steps to improve on it:
- Read the summary and see if it makes sense.
- Add or cut the information as you see fit. Sometimes, factoids seen by the algorithm as superfluous can be meaningful.
- Restructure the summary, breaking or merging paragraphs. AI can be too formal, whereas you have the benefit of following the inner logic of the text.
- Add transition phrases for better flow and readability.
Best Summarizing Tool is Free and Always with You
However, don’t forget that every machine has its limitations, and humans still beat everything at language and pattern recognition. No automatic summarization tool will ever be able to make such a coherent and naturally flowing synopsis for you as you would in own words. After all, who else knows the fundamental ideas of your paper better than you do? Your brain is capable of amazing things! If the article or essay was well-structured in the first place, summarizing it won’t even take a lot of time. All you have to do is take a topical sentence from every paragraph and then edit the text you receive for clarity.
However, if you need a concisely written summary of a longer piece, you can rely on this website, as usual. Just attach the entire text in the order form and write “Summarize this article for me in a paragraph” or contact our Support Team to give more precise instructions.