Aguinis, H., & Pierce, C. A. (2008). Enhancing the relevance of organizational behavior by embracing performance management research. Journal of Organizational Behavior.
This journal is relevant in this research project because it shows the impact of organizational behavior on both the individuals and the management structures in an organization.The ways to enhance organizational performance through organizational behavior are clearly elaborated in this article. The source is also credible because the author is experienced in human resource aspects and organizational practices.
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Psychological contract’: An Introduction
In 1960 Argyris gave the concept of the ‘psychological contract’. However, this concept got remarkable popularity amongst various researchers relating to organizational management. During the 1990’s the global economy witnessed an economic recession that caused major restructuring, mergers and acquisition in various organizations. Such changes also led to a new approach towards the organizations, employers and the workers. The concept of the psychological contract assisted in explaining these changes and, the renewed focus amongst employees and employers (Van den Brande, 1999).
The early definitions of psychological contract created expectations from the both the individual and the organizations. In 1989 ...
Elizabeth Villanueva
Evidence Base Practice
Tuberculosis is a bacterial caused disease which majorly affects the respiratory system with its effects with time, affecting the body and the entire immune system. Tuberculosis in this age of HIV/AIDs is a major opportunistic disease which if not detected early can exacerbate the health of a patient with HIV/AIDS (National Tuberculosis Conference (Bangladesh), Hossain, S, & National Anti-Tuberculosis Association of Bangladesh, 2009). Immigrants have traditionally been the most vulnerable groups when it comes to tuberculosis. Immigrants globally have been a hot bed for the deadly disease. The level of exposure of Tuberculosis among immigrants around the globe ...
Chapter 2: Literature review
This chapter presents the literature review appraisal that exists and is linked to work contentment and inspiration subjects and how these issues are closely related to industrial performance. The chapter discusses the concept of motivation, job satisfaction, and project management and employee satisfaction. Organizational performance as well as its continuity largely depends on critical assets, employees and the managers' capabilities to create and sustain motivating environments of the employees and other human assets. The primary challenge that managers are faced with today is keeping their human capital such as the employees satisfied and motivated. Therefore, all managers must ...
Chapter 1
1.0. Introduction
The researcher followed a survey which was given out to the employees within magic care solutions care home. The researcher seeks to find out if the management within magic care is very effective. It was done through an analysis method which comprises of qualitative and quantitative. The analysis was built on primary data which was carried out through doing a questionnaire on effective leadership within magic care homes. The questionnaires were given out to staff within the care home. The results of the respondents was converted to qualitative data
Leadership styles can be different with all different ...
'Work-family balance', or WFB, is the topic that has garnered the interests of academicians, management Tsars, and researchers. With growing competition and stress in the business environment, family life is likely to get affected thereby putting a negative impact on the work productivity. Thus, making a balance between work schedule and family life is of utmost importance if one wishes to have an overall satisfied life. However, identifying related family-specific variables and studying their impact on work-family conflict ( WFC) are some of the pre-requisites to boil down to the balancing part. This paper aims to review the available literature ...
Literature Review
Employee turnover can be defined as the rotation of individuals around the labor market, between jobs, organizations, and careers. Besides, it is the amount of movement of workers in and out of a company, normally occur in terms of the employee turnover rate (Ronra & Chaisawat, 2010). Employees may involuntarily leave the company as a result of discharge or layoff, or voluntarily because of retirement or resignation. In most cases, voluntary turnover takes place when a worker feels dissatisfaction with his current job and has attractive alternatives in other companies.
Employee turnover and retention have always been key issues ...
Literature Review
Research Questions
Discuss the effectiveness of narcissistic leaderships? Can it deliver positive results to the business in long term?
Discuss the paradox of dark side of leadership? What is the best way to analyze the dark side of leadership?
Charismatic leadership is well-known and propagated by several authors as an effective means for motivating employees and delivering results. In their article, Shamir and Howell have provided evidence to the fact that charismatic leadership emerges as an effective tool in several situations and organizations having an unstable business environment does not allow charismatic leaders to prosper (1999 p. 278). Kodish ( ...
It is challenging to fathom exactly what drives people towards accomplishment in life, but there are some reasons to believe that both external and internal forces play significance roles in motivation. “Motivation is the particular word commonly used to describe the situation of self-determination” (Deci & Ryan, 2014). The theory of motivation developed by Deci and Ryan (2014), suggest that individuals are necessarily driven by the need to grow to gain personal fulfillment. However, where does that motivation stems from? Deci and Ryan (2014) explain that “self-determination influences people towards accomplishing such tasks." First, people's activities and efforts are usually ...
Workplace behaviour is a common topic of modern psychological studies behaviour within an organisation is an important aspect of human psychological functioning. Work psychology is mainly concerned with several relationships, but the main issues are the relationship between the individual and the individual’s work and the relationships among the members of an organisation (J. Arnold et al., 2005). Other areas of interest for work psychology are personnel selection, education, performance appraisals, organisational development, personal development, workplace safety, and motivation (J. Arnold et al., 2005). Despite the amount of different factors that define workplace behaviour, knowing leadership skills, employee motivation ...