1. Please explain your interest in sending your son/daughter to Greenhill School.
Generally, Joyce is doing very well in the current school. However, I feel the overall environment in public school does not motivate kids to compete. I think we need to prepare kids to be more competitive in this global economy. I think a prestige school like Greenhill School can provide more challenges to her academically. I feel that Greenhill will give my daughter opportunities that would not have been available of receiving if he had attended a public school. Because I understand that private schools like Greenhill School ...
Night Personal Statements Samples For Students
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Every person faces choices daily, and one of the important ones - career path decision. The turning point for me was at the age of nine, on a family trip to the mountains of Vancouver. On the first night of the planned to be amazing vacation, I had a seizure. Having crawled into bed, I began to shake uncontrollably. My parents rushed to me to find out what was wrong, but I was unable to utter a word. Though my recovery went well, my parents’ incomplete explanation left me unsatisfied and yearning to know more. As an aftermath, I became a young scientist ...
For a brave traveler through the desert, the ultimate goal is to arrive at his destination safely and in one piece. He has to endure the scorching sun that dehydrates him through and through with limited supply of food and water that can only sustain him for a certain period of time. He has to grapple with the extreme temperatures, both hot and cold, through the day and night respectively having to dress lightly during the day and then dressing warmly during the night to fight the cold. Desert animals like scorpions and snakes pose an imminent danger upon an encounter ...