The Australian stock exchange has been established to economically assist the investors by bring to together in one market the investors who have the capital and the companies in need of capital in a highly liquid and well regulated market. In this case the companies are assisted to raise capital while the investors are given the chance to create and accumulate their wealth. Investors have a pool of more than 2000 listed companies to invest in. Amcor ltd, APA ltd, amp ltd, ASX ltd, Asciano ltd and Suncorp ltd are some of the companies listed in the ASX; each operates in ...
AMC Reports Samples For Students
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The article by Robert Zoellick emphasizes on the importance of the World Bank as an instrument to “use finance to tackle global problems” and develop third world countries. Since its foundation the aim of the World Bank Group was to combat consequences of war and to provide assistance to the developing countries. Zoellick looks back at the history of the World Bank, mentioning challenges on the way of this institution. During the course of establishing of a free enterprise economy and the diffusion of private capital, the World Bank had not been only issuing loans, but fostering growth and overcoming ...