1. Natural disaster due to landforms and processes: Earthquake Magnitude 9.0
Location: Tohoku, Japan/March 11, 2011,
Geologic/geomorphic setting: Japan sits right where it is affected by four tectonic plates. The four plates are the Pacific Plate to the east, the Philippines Sea Microplate to the south, the Eurasian Plate to the west, and the North American Plate to the north.
Triggers: The earthquake hypocenter is where a slip occurs on a fault plane between the North American and Pacific Plates. The Earth Observatory Singapore explained that a megathrust occurred because the edges of the two plates stuck together causing ...
Mars Reports Samples For Students
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Measuring Campaign Effectiveness
The importance of proper coordination between the sales and marketing functions of any organization is a matter whose importance cannot be overemphasized. Although both functions are geared towards maximizing sales and profits, improper coordination often leads to wastage of resources as the sales agents chase leads of low quality, delay the follow-up of leads or dedicate insufficient selling effort towards high potential leads generated by the marketing team. The selling units, on the other hand, more often accuse the marketing team of generating low-quality leads. This situation necessitates the need for an Integrated Marketing Communications Framework (Clow & Baak 2004). ...
1.0 Introduction
On 11th December, 2005 a series of explosions occurred at Buncefield oil storage depot leading to massive losses in both commercial and residential property therefore this report addresses the case study of Buncefield; it also explains and gives reasons for the mitigation measures I recommend that the public and private sector organizations can employ to avoid a re-occurrence of such an incident. Some of the measures are: control and safety systems for petroleum storage, land use planning and control of societal risks around major hazard site, protection against loss of containment and also constant review on the maintenance and replacement policy ...