Faulkner remains one of America’s iconic writers still studied in higher education today for his style of writing engaging the reader in his characters. His characters in “As I Lay Dying” are no different in their challenge to the reader placing their symbolic meaning in the themes Faulkner incorporates in this story of a sequence of tragedies. “As I Lay Dying” exhibits an almost textbook example of a dysfunctional family of poor white Southerners on a farcical journey where the reader becomes familiar with the characters through Faulkner’s use of them several of them as the narrator of this tale. ...
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There has been an ineffective penal system for punishing criminals. The government should aim at getting tough on criminal activities to ensure that the society becomes safe and comfortable in a criminal free environment. However, there has been conflicting influences in the penal system that has proved to be inefficient in protecting people from crime. Law makers have tried to raise issues to solve the problems within the penal system but with less success because the criminals have always been given less punishments. For a penal system to be effective, it should focus on reasonable principles and should serve the purpose ...
Religion and Prophets
According to religion, prophets are regarded as supernatural. Their actions are considered to be divine and directly intricate to God’s plan. The idea of prophets is embraced in diverse cultures. Ranging from Christianity, Hindu to Islam, prophets were regarded as very significant individuals who had powers and character that superseded human thoughts and abilities (Moley, 2009).The word prophet originates from the Greek word, Profetes meaning a seer or an advocate of God. As it regards Abrahamic religions such as Judaism and Christianity, the position of prophets was regarded as follows; in Judaism, prophets originated from people. It followed ...
A prison is a place where law breakers are confined or interned by concerned authority. Prisons are denied the freedom of movement and free interaction with other people. In many countries, prisons are governed by the government. Nevertheless, increased prisoners population and an attempt to cut costs has led to privatization of some prisons. This has brought about mixed reactions with some parties arguing against the privatization move whilst others arguing in favour of privatization of prisons. Privatization of prisons is an arrangement in which prisoners are confined by third parties which are normally contracted by the ruling government. The ...