The purpose of Naturalism as a literary movement is to bring about the accurate reproduction of a story’s characters inside the spheres of genetics, environment, fate, instinct as well as the current social context of the time period in which the author wrote the work. Within the American literary tradition, Naturalism has close connections with Realism, and it takes much of its influence from Determinism, the belief that the actions a person undertakes are motivated by both environment and heredity. In “The Open Boat” and “To Build a Fire,” Stephen Crane and Jack London attempt to use the actions and thoughts of ...
Correspondent Research Papers Samples For Students
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Psychological analysis by Erikson indicated that children are born with a brain that is in the tabula rasa status. That is, they do not know anything. Practically, their brains are like a brand new book with so many blank pages. However, the experiences that they face in life act as the writings which fill the book. This is the reason as to why it is believed that children’s brain development is greatly affected by the environment, besides the genetic information of the child. In other words, the aspect of nature and nurture seems to play a major role in ensuring child ...