Fever is a common distressing symptom in patients. Elevations in normal body temperature are instigated by prostaglandins exerting their effect on the hypothalamus in the event of cellular injury (Scrase & Tranter, 2011). When fever is uncorrected, the body may reach dangerously high temperatures and thus its management is a priority. To achieve safe and effective care, the chosen nursing interventions must be based on evidence. Thus, established practice must continually be evaluated against current evidence to ensure accountability. An interview with a registered nurse, with answers to the questions summarized below, reveals the common fever management practices in a pediatric unit. The interventions ...
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The subject of death penalty unnerves us as we recall the tragic Colorado shooting. In this movie theater shooting, the criminal, James Holmes, killed many people without impunity. He killed twelve innocent, moviegoers and wounded more than 50 (Ferguson, p. 1). Mr. Holmes may be psychologically ill or a social deviant but this does not justify the killings and the social trauma it caused the nation. The more we try to understand why people kill innocent people, the more we begin to justify a severe punishment. Is the death penalty the answer to such violent incidents?
Strong public support for ...