Coral bleaching occurs when there is physiological stress experienced by the coral reefs. The stress is caused by an imbalance of the symbiotic relationship that the corals have with the algae that live within them. These algae are of the genus Symbiodinium. The algae are important to the coral reef since they are a source of nutrition and color. The algae will reduce or all will leave the coral reefs when there are harsh physical conditions. When this occurs, there is no tissue growth and sexual production in the corals. They end up losing color and thus the term coral ...
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Coral Bleaching: Causes, Effects and Response Action Plan Coral bleaching occurs when there is physiological stress which leads to an imbalance of the symbiotic relationship that the corals have with the algae that live in the coral leaves (Rosenberg, Kushmaro, Kramarsky-Winter, Banin and Yossi 1). The algae will reduce or all will leave. The algae are important to the coral reef since they are a source of nutrition and colour. When this occurs, there is no tissue growth and sexual production in the corals. They end up losing colour and thus the term coral bleaching (Douglas, 386).
The skeletal ...
Impact of climatic change on the Great Barrier Reef
Climatic changes refer to lasting and significant changes in the weather patterns characterized by statistical distribution over a period spanning decades or hundred thousands of years. These changes may encompass extreme weather conditions and may happen due to variations in solar radiation reaching earth, biotic processes, volcanic eruptions, melting of the polar caps and plate tectonics. Certain activities undertaken by humans have also been recognized as contributing to negative climatic changes such as global warming. This climate change has threatened earth's ecosystems. The recent harsh change in the climate such as an increase in temperature takes a great toll on the ...
Climate change is among the significant factors impacting ecological diversity on a worldwide scale. The growth of industries and the increasing human population globally have resulted in a rise in the volume of greenhouse gasses, which scientists have argued are the greatest contributors to the menace. The Florida Keys is one of the ecological treasures of the U.S. that continues to be impacted negatively by climate change and anthropogenic activities. This ecological treasure, which is located at the tip of the state of Florida, comprises about 1,700 islands that stretch for more than 200 miles to the west ...
The General Assembly of the United Nations has stated that “Changes to the climate, brought about by increasing levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, will thus lead to changes in the oceans, including sea-level rise and ocean acidification, which will put marine ecosystems and coastal communities at risk. Most of these changes can be attributed to human activities and will negatively affect the animal inhabitants of the marine environment. Some effects of global warming on marine animals include changes in distribution, reduction of habitats and reductions in diversity and sex ratios.
In the last hundred years, the rate ...