The sampling method that would be applicable in the above case of determining the effect which a gospel youth program have on at-risk youth is the stratified method of sampling. This is a superior method of sampling because it decreases the sampling error. The method will use stratums of gospel youth programs and non-gospel youth programs in discerning the prevailing risks. Generally, the researcher will first identify the above stratums and their actual representation in the whole population. Random sampling would then be applied in selecting a sufficient number of variables that reasonably represents the population under study. Sufficient ...
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Army recruiters have continued to strategize on how to maximize recruitment of officers from the public. However, majority of their target group is high school students who have completed and graduated with a diploma. In fact, they went ahead to create a database with all the personal information of individuals aged between 16 – 25 years. This may imply intrusion of privacy of their target groups, most of which are high school students and a few who have graduated. This even went over board when the 2002 act of “No child left behind” was passed. The act required that all beneficiaries of federal ...
3.0 Research methodologies
3.1 Introduction
In this chapter, the research design, location of the study, sampling procedure, research instruments, pre-testing study, validity of instruments, data collection procedure and data analysis procedures will be discussed.
3.2 Research design
Good understanding of a research design enhances its quality. The research design will inform the researcher’s thinking and lay the foundations for designing the project. The study will adopt a bottom up approach study design. This design is justified as it will describe the current situation and establish if there is a relationship Tomorowland music festival event and the environment ...
Chapter 1: Introduction
Education is one of the most appreciated element in life and most often than not, people struggle to put in their best to ensure that they achieve the best from education. Parents strive to take their children to school so that they get a quality education and even input a lot of resources such as finances and time so that their children can have the best education can offer. Teachers are also trained in different institutions that enhance their qualification so that they produce skilled individuals who can teach students professionally and help build their future through the subjects ...
Perinatal depression is increasingly becoming a worldwide mental illness that affects expectant mothers. Although depression has always been categorized by world Health Organization (WHO) as a silent killer disease, perinatal depression continue to attract more attention due to its adverse effect on an entire family support system. It puts both the health of the mother, unborn baby, and the newly born at risk, and this risk is gradually transmitted to other family members who are taking care of them. More disheartening is the fact that this disease is more prevalence among the low-income mothers and those in the underserved ...
Climate change in the Arctic region can be considered to be the most serious environmental issue that is threatening the Arctic environment. Apparently, the annual average temperature in this region has been gradually increasing by approximately double the total global average temperature (Symon, Lelani and O W, 123). It has become evident that human activities are the single most cause of climate change, even the government of US has at last admitted to this fact. During the past few years, the Arctic environment has warmed at alarming rate, and scientist predict that it is still going to continue by ...
The purpose of this study is to determine the deterrent effect of the death penalty or capital punishment in the commission of future crimes. Most of the criminal experts believe that the justification for the imposition of the death penalty against criminals should be for retributive grounds and to make the criminals suffer the consequences of their actions. Thus, when a person kills another, the retributive effect of capital punishment or the death penalty is take the life of the murderer (Radelet & Akers, 1996). The main reason for the imposition of the death penalty is to discourage the murderers to ...
An evaluation of the impact of using biometrics technology for security applications in immigration departments in airports: A case study of John F Kennedy International Airport
Security is a major issue in organizations today. . In today’s entrepreneurial world organizations have adopted different applications that require different level of security assessments and security measures. The organization should consider the fact that a security risk will vary between the external and internal applications hence these applications must be carefully reviewed in order to determine the prospective risks and ways of pre cautioning against the risk. Security monitoring activities are a major element in ...
Chapter One: Introduction
1.1. Background
The arrival of new technologies as helped improve many aspects of life. For example, License Plate Recognition is a modern technology that has helped improve mobility and safety in transportation (Rashid, Aibinu, Rahman, Suhaimi and Yunis, 2012). Many car parks have resulted to the use of technology to help in the logistics of operating a car park. Rashid et al., (2012) argue that automatic parking systems are progressive because in addition to improving logistics, they also increase the convenience of public parking, eliminate the hassles of fee collection and also enhance the security, especially when the car ...
Part #1: Introduction
Aviation safety is a concern to many stakeholders in the aviation industry. Air accidents occur because the technological advancements in preventing the accidents are not sufficient (Tetteh, 2006). The recent accidents in Russia and some European aircraft crushing on African soil confirm this (Pyadushkin, 2013). The paper presents a proposal for evaluating and solving the safety issues of passengers while on board and in the air. It analyzes how the changes in technology will help to lower the accident rates further to the lowest possible level.
The increasing safety issues of passengers during air travel has alarmed the world; especially in ...
Research question
What are Factors of E-learning influencing Students Knowledge?
Aims and objectives
The major aim of this study will be to determine E-Learning factors that influence the knowledge of students as far as management information systems and information technology is concerned. In order to realize this aim, the study will be aimed at achieving the following specific objectives:
- To determine E-Learning factors that affects students
- To establish the connection between student knowledge and E-Learning
- To determine how E-Learning factors affect student knowledge.
- To determine how negative E-Learning factors could be improved to facilitate student knowledge.
- To determine how positive E-Learning factors could be ...
Young adults between the ages of 18 and 25 need at least seven hours of sleep each night to maintain their cognitive, emotional, and physical functions, but college students tend to lack quality sleep. A sample of 1,160 college students reported sleeping on average 5.85 ± 1.85 hours per night, and 35% of them considered their sleep bad or very bad (Elagra et al., 2016). Lack of sleep has been associated with higher risk of negative moods, unintentional injuries, risk-taking behaviors, and poor academic performance (National Adolescent and Young Adult Health Information Center, 2014). Although various negative effects of ...
1. Introduction: Concussion occurs from traumatic injury to the brain and results in a temporary disruption of brain function or loss/altered consciousness for a short period (Moser, 2012). Concussion is common in contact sports, where there is a collision between players. It is expected to have an adverse cumulative effect on the persons cognitive and mental functioning (Moser, 2012). With course of time, this could adversely affect once athletic career. Identifying incidence of concussion in a particular sport, will help to determine risk and initiate preventive measures.
Rugby is a full body contact sports and there are high chances ...
Oracle Corporation is one of the largest companies in the information technology sector. In the third quarter of 2015 it reported earnings of $9 billion in revenues, mostly unchanged from the previous year and a steady growth in its Cloud Services . It has corporate policies on non-discrimination in terms of race, gender and is an equal opportunity employer . Yet its board remains mostly male, with only 3 out of 13 board members comprised of women . From the list of company executives found on the company website, it is found that only 4 out 30 executives, including co-CEO Safra Catz, ...
Ministry of Health
Oman Specialized Nursing Institute
Health Services Management Program
Research Methodology for Health Sciences I
Identification of Causes and Consequences of Work- Related Stress among Midwives in South Al-Sharqia Region
4. Methodology
Research design
This study will employ a descriptive design to address the study questions. In this case, the researcher will conduct a survey to obtain data from the study participants. A descriptive design is used in studies that do not involve the manipulation of the study variables by the researcher (Valencia-GO, 2015, p. 97). This study seeks to identify the factors associated with work-related stress (WRS) and its consequences ...
Tax policies and reforms sometimes have strong effects on economic growth. This paper examines the relationship between tax and economic growth. The paper will explore the impact of changes in tax on economic growth. This is done using secondary sources found by searching databases that have past works on the same topic or related topics. The literature review is also used in this examination. The findings suggest that different taxes changes have different impacts on economic growth both positive and negative.
1. Introduction
For a long time, researchers and policy makers have had an interest in how changes in the ...
Marketing Research Proposal
Online reputation management is a fundamental aspect for any organization to manage their reputation. However, some companies don’t realize the importance of managing their reputation especially in the context of today’s internet era, where a customer searches on the internet for any information he/she wants. On the internet there are several blogs, feedback mechanisms and social networking sites which provide a medium to customers to get information and give feedback about a particular brand. With respect to availability of feedback, these mediums offer potential customers an honest and trustworthy opinion about a product or organization. It ...
The media is a powerful tool of communication. Apart from the basic purpose of conveying information to the public in a reliable, accurate, unbiased and timely manner, it also influences the economic, political and social spheres of peoples’ lives. Consequently, the media plays a crucial role in influencing the direction of public interest. In recent times, there has been increased concern by women about their body image. Many women seem interested in staying healthy, fit and fashionable. The media is a vital source of information on the latest trends being used to achieve this. Fitness programs, fashion magazines and health tips are some ...
Bullying in schools is not a new phenomenon but is an activity that has been in existence for ages. A good proportion of students and adults have accounts of their experiences with bullying or have witnessed their peers bullied in what a turned out to be a serious problem in the society with variant detrimental effects that range from emotional effects to negative effects on a student’s academic performance. Teens between the age of 13 and 19 year are perhaps the greatest users of the technology, particularly the internet. The National Crime Prevention Council (2007) contends that teens between the age of ...
Introduction 4
Literature Review 7
Results and Discussion 13
Conclusion and Recommendations 14
References 15
Appendixes 18
France has been debated on their expatriates’ citizen lately due to the expansion of expat workers. It is seen negatively as some politics state that it is a “lose of brains” for the country because of the crisis and fiscal pressure of the government (Biacabe & Robert, 2014). The French system is often criticized due to the high risk that entrepreneurs are facing when they open their business in France. For instance, as Jean Tirole who awarded the Nobel Prize in economic, explained the French labour ...
The research paper is based on non-conviction based confiscation system. The system was recently proposed by the European Commission. In general, the paper gives a comparative approach between non-conviction based confiscations and conviction-based confiscation. However, in some nations, non-conviction based confiscation is referred to as Civil Forfeiture. The main aim of conducting this study, therefore, is to have a comparative study of the conviction-based confiscation in Kuwait and non-conviction based confiscation in Australia. The study as well will identify the gaps involved in non-conviction based confiscation that will enhance its adoption or not. The significance of the study, however, ...
Literature review
The global developments in social, political, economic and technology sphere crucially affect organizational survival in the society. These new changes demand that organizations’ management must oblige to developing new management techniques so that their organizations can cope up with harder competition and more demanding market conditions. To large extents, organizations need to raise the performance of their employees through the power of communication (Erogluer, 2011). From the beginning, written and spoken language is considered the way to share meanings and messages for human societies. Often, the most common means of communication for most organizations is face-to-face communication. Communication is ...
Reading skills are not only essential for career advancement, but are also an essential survival skill. From day-to-day, we have to read a lot of important information from notices, letters, signposts, consumer information leaflets on products and commercials among many others. Therefore, it difficult for a person who does not know how to read to survive. Therefore, reading skills is one of the essential life skills that should be emphasized at institutions of learning. Learners reading skills should be horned during their early years at school so that those who drop out from school also acquire the skills. Institutions ...
Millennials include all those people that were born between 1982 and 2000. It is also known as the digital generation and the first internet generation. For last many years, the debate has been continued about the characteristics, attitude, behaviour and nature of new generation or Millennials (Dauria, 2015). In the same field, the debate has emerged among the researchers that New Generation or Millennials are not very much interested in news as compared to those who born and grew in the pre-internet or digital age. The concerns began when the data finding suggested that the underlying generation is not ...
Research Methods Sp2016
The dominance of commercial technological innovation in the context of modern society has resulted in a form of technological dependence for some individuals, causing them to pay less regard to aspects of the physical world. Technological innovation has assumed a noteworthy role in the flow of our daily lives, such as through the methods we employ to maintain interpersonal connections. Numerous individuals are included in a matrix of connections facilitated by technological innovation and an increasingly digitalized culture; however, the vast amount of these affiliations can leave individuals the global community feeling subjectively void. The effects of technological ...
Research Report
The aim of this research report is to analyze the novice nurses experience of preceptoring students with the support of expert nurses. The research will be based on the novice nurses in an XYZ Hospital of Singapore. The paper will present the literature review on the novice nurses and expert nurses will help to analyze that what are the practices for preceptorship. In addition, this report is based on the qualitative and qualitative both research in which data will be collected and sampling will be done. By following the research strategy and on the proposed research methods ...
at incorporating diversity and providing opportunities
for training
Fenwick is a family-owned chain of department stores located in the United Kingdom. The eponymous company has its origins in Newcastle upon Tyne when founder John James Fenwick opened this first store in 1882. Currently, the company is chaired by direct descendant Mark Fenwick. The flagship store serves as the corporate headquarters for the other ten branches. The company is currently valued GBP 452 million (Fenwick, 2015).
Each of Fenwick’s stores are independently run by a management team that targets their own markets by offering their own chosen products and ...
Business Project Proposal: Supermarkets Effect on Smaller Business
Business Project Proposal: Supermarkets Effect on Smaller Business
Modern retail is having a transformative effect on the smaller businesses around the world. When compared with the conventional mom and pop stores, super markets enjoy huge economies of scale. They procure their goods from the manufacturers directly and eliminate the middlemen. Hence, they could procure goods for a cheaper price than smaller companies. Supermarkets also offer better shopping experience over the conventional smaller companies. Mom and Pop stores with limited space are no match for the spacious and air-conditioned super and hyper markets. Due to the above reasons, many retail customers now ...
Literature Review
The literature review covers the challenge faced by McDonalds in the increasing opposition to marketing its products to children and having an image for producing unhealthy foods. The research objective is to find solutions for the company to implement so that it can change this perception about the company and reduce opposition to its business practices.
Summary 1
Section 1: Summary of Business Problem and Research Objectives 2
Section 2: Literature Search and Review 2
Analysis of the Literature Review 5
Section 3: Research Objectives and Methodology 6
Research 7
References 7
Section 1: Summary of Business Problem ...
Health care disorders contribute to severe distress of various degrees among patients. Especially, a pain developed while suffering from a disorder or condition could induce severe concerns. Apart from this, it is essential to realize that one should experience some kind of pain at some stage in life.
Problem: There are some failures among nurses and other health care professionals in measuring and responding to the patient’s pain.
Background: The area of precise pain management has become understudied in terms of its control, treatment, assessment and evaluation of harmful effects. So, pain management continues to present several challenges ...
In the current digital era, advertisement has become an essential social event. Current advertisements illuminate a significant change in beliefs, values, and most important behaviors and people’s buying patterns (Usman et al 124). Advertising directly and indirectly influences people’s lifestyles. A host of consumer research studies have shown that individual differences among advertisement audiences triggers variations in the manner in which those audiences respond to advertisement appeals (Moore et al 154). Following this revelation, advertisers are in constant search for greater communication effectiveness, but as this revolution is taking place, it is necessary to be cautious during the ...
- Methodology
This study will employ Randomized Control Trial (RCT) design in determining the effectiveness of post discharge calls intervention in reducing readmission of patients with heart failure. It will be used on patients attending Singapore General Hospital. This study is a clinical study. Randomized Control Trial design is considered the gold standard of epidemiological and clinical studies (Evans, 1998). Therefore, this study design is the most suitable for the study. Besides, the design has several advantages: studies done using this design are easier to blind than observational studies; the design eliminates population bias; and it makes it possible ...
Cardiovascular Diseases (CDV) Prevention Plan for the AAW Rural Southwest Florida Aims
Cardiovascular diseases are the leading causes of death in globally. According to the Florida department of health, the disease is preventable yet it causes the highest number of deaths in the the state of Florida (Brown, 2008). Prevention studies have been tackled to help improve the care for the people contacting t diseases. Effectiveness of the clinic has been improved while the risk factors of the disease are being put in check. The rate at which the disease is growing is alarming owing to an implementation plan to help curb the advances of the disease. Before preventing the disease, ...
Do patients feel satisfied by the services from pre-operative to post-operative area?
My desire and quest to determine whether patients are satisfied by the services provided by the hospital before and after surgery pushes me to plan to carry out a study that will give the answers. I will carry out a research in a health institution to find out whether the services are satisfactory or not. The services in both the pre and post-operative area will be my major concerns as I move around hospital collecting my data. First, as an introductory requirement, it is important to fully understand the nature pre-operative and post-operative activities and how to prepare patients for ...
A number of assumptions are made in the study to enable the selection of a rational sample representative of the underlying population. Key assumptions include; the sample size selected for this study will sufficiently represent the entire student population in American high schools. Additionally, it is assumed that the instrument used in the qualitative research, the questionnaire has validity and measures the desired constructs. It is also assumed that the respondents will be overly truthful in answering the survey questions and that their actual accounts of cyber bullying will constitute both witnessed and observed experiences.
With regards to validity ...
Research Methods Statistics Study
Loneliness in individuals is being measured in the study using the Revised UCLA Loneliness Scale (RULS). The purpose of the twenty questions used in the RULS is to see the level of loneliness in different people. The population studied was of a sample size of fifteen people. These individuals varied from the ages of 18 and up. Most were married male Caucasians of the middle class. The scores of each respondent are added up and can fall between the ranges of twenty to eighty. Higher scores would indicate that the individual is considered lonelier. This study would be very ...
Scope of Work: A company wants to seek customer opinion on a new product, they have launched in the market. They want to carry out a survey to get the information from customers.
Objective: the objective of the project is to understand customer feed back on their new product. This will help in understanding the problems if any and areas of improvement to make the product more consumers friendly and also to improve upon the negative aspects to be highlighted at the end of project [ CITATION pro11 \l 1033 ].
Target Market: Customers who are using the product, company’s ...