An orphaned child, according to Islamic law and as Islamic scholars agree, is a child below age 18 who parents, particularly the father, has died (“The Child’s Mother Died Will the Child be Called Orphan?” n. p.). The Arabic term for the word “orphan” is yatim, which means “singular” or “alone” (Al-Funaysan n. p.). Under the Kafala system, there are categories of orphans that can be adopted. Two of the more important categories include (a) the foundlings, children whose parentages are usually unknown, and (b) the children of imprisoned parents, especially when they were sentenced to stay a ...
Abandonment Term Papers Samples For Students
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The film, A Brand New Life (2009), directed by the celebrated cinematic artist, Ounie Lecomte, is a South Korean work that can surely be deemed as a fine work of art. The film is one of the best examples of the cinematic work directed by a woman director as the filmmaker exudes her aesthetic quintessence and perfect use of the cinematic techniques to leave a lasting impression in the minds of the avid audience. This is a very sensible film about this 9-year old girl who is left at an orphanage by her father who has remarried. Before coming ...
In the film Forgiveness: A Time to Love & a Time to Hate, there are three scenes in Act II which brings about the concept of forgiveness and the power it has on everyone. The first scene is when the mother left her husband and kids and started to focus on herself. The handling of the responsibility of raising her kids caused a strain in her to the point where she would get sick and have anxiety attacks. This led to her being suicidal because she couldn’t bear the weight of burden of being a conscientious wife and mother. The next scene ...
The death of a family member can be a very traumatic event for a human being, particularly the loss of a parent when a child is very young. This type of crisis is known as a personal trauma, which is much more intimate and personally affecting than a mass or societal trauma. This can cause quite a psychological crisis, wherein the child experiences intense feelings of grief, loss and abandonment. It can provide a young child with plenty of issues regarding absent grief, missed opportunities, and the lack of a strong parent figure in their lives as they continue to develop. As they have not experienced sufficient life events to ...