1970-1980’s (Newman, Parse, Watson, Rogers) iv. Development of the metaparadigm per Fawcett
v. Development of paradigms
1. Simultaneity and Totality
2. Particulate-Deterministic, Interactive -Integrative, Unitary Transformative
III. Discuss knowledge development in nursing (10 points)
a. Carper’s Ways of Knowing
b. Emancipatory Knowing
c. Ways of unknowing
d. Role of research
e. Role of the socio political environment
IV. Application/Synthesis for Advanced Practice (10 points)
Describe how the new advanced knowledge, in the course to date has informed and influenced your own perspective on nursing:
i. Philosophic
a. What philosophy is most congruent with your own personal philosophy and why?
ii. Paradigm of Nursing
a. Discuss the congruence between your nursing philosophy and your nursing paradigm
b. Describe ...