Each field of knowledge has specific tools and optics to investigate particular aspects of reality. Yet what if the solution to a problem requires switching between different ways of looking at the subject and making connections between different concepts and ideas? After all, reality and its challenges are too complex to be neatly placed in a box of a single discipline. That's where interdisciplinary research comes to the rescue, blurring the lines between scientific fields, promoting the integration of traditional mindsets, and reaching a unique level of critical inquiry for synthesizing new knowledge. Continue reading
180 Business Essay Topics for College Students and Postgraduates
The business major is the most popular choice in the country, with 20% of all degrees awarded being business-related. However, just like any other major, it requires you to write your fair share of papers before you get your coveted diploma. Ideally, to develop good business essay topics, you should have hands-on experience running business operations and know the problems a company might face. For most college students, these experiences are still to come. Nevertheless, they are often asked to write an essay with an open topic about anything they find interesting or challenging. In this case, finding solid business-related topics for essay writing is in itself a challenge. Continue reading
120 Nursing Essay Topics for Relevant and Insightful Papers
Nursing is a unique profession at the intersection of science and humanities. Nurses care for patient’s emotional health, spiritual well-being, and body. This complexity is reflected in every aspect of nursing practice and training – writing included. As a nursing essay writing service, we can say this from experience. Writing is the nurse’s primary mode of communication with doctors and patients through reports, clinical records, and charts. However, writing can be even more prevalent depending on your role and practice setting. For example, you will publish blogs, pamphlets, and social media posts for the community to educate and spread awareness about various risks and health conditions or the importance of regular checkups and vaccinations. In a managerial position, you will write HR reports and staff appraisals. You might also write political letters to legislators to help shape healthcare policies with your unique perspective that combines statistical data with human stories behind them. Finally, you will write essays and research papers to share your knowledge and experience with other healthcare professionals. Continue reading
200 Fresh Analytical Essay Topics to Spark Up Your Writing
An analysis essay is somewhere in between your garden-variety essay and a serious research paper. In it, an essay writer must present a claim or an argument about the subject analyzed, with a thesis statement answering a "how" or a "why" question. The proof should come from the evidence produced by the analysis. Overall, the process is very similar to conducting research, only it's done on a smaller scale and can be based on secondary sources alone, without the full-fledged field study. So, overall, less hustle than the research paper or a thesis but more time and effort than an average essay. Of course, the crucial part of a successful analytical essay is finding the right topic for it: relevant, arguable, defendable, and manageable. Continue reading
200 Topics for a Position Paper: Fresh Ideas and Prompts in 10 Subject Categories
A position paper (also called a point-of-view piece) is a type of essay that presents your stand on an arguable issue. The goal of a position paper is to convince your audience that your point of view is defensible, valid, and worth listening to. A position paper can be semi-formal, for example, a letter to the editor. It can also be issued by a large organization representing the interests and opinions of a social group, official beliefs, or corporate values. Continue reading
100 Original and Nuanced Abortion Essay Topics for Thoughtful Discussions
Abortion is a highly sensitive and polarizing topic, which makes it difficult to write about. Even among other controversial themes, essay topics about abortion are in a league of their own, splitting people along and across the lines of partisan divide, religious affiliation, and other, usually strong predictors of their views. As a rule, you are expected to have a clearly defined position that you make known in the title and defend vehemently from the very first sentence of your essay. Continue reading
500 Original War Essay Topics: From Antiquity to Present
Human history is the history of wars. At least, as it is written now. Wars are documented, explained, classified, and justified. Wars are given as inevitable facts. We would like to change this narrative by giving you various essay topics about war to investigate its cultural, psychological, and economic dimensions. By exploring those topics, you can study wars as mistakes of the past that could be avoided. You could focus on devastating consequences instead and humanitarian costs of war conflicts. Continue reading
100 Topics for Annotated Bibliography Research and Tips on Nailing It
As a good essay writer, I'm sure you do your best to log everything you use in your research. You always furnish your papers with orderly "References" or "Sources Used" sections. That's easy. Well, time-consuming and finicky, but still. However, now you have this annotated bibliography assignment and have no idea how to approach this beast. Not to worry! In this post, we will clarify what an annotated bibliography is, how it should be written, and which topics suit this type of paper. Continue reading
100 Good Illustration Essay Topics with Examples to Up Your Writing
College is a time interesting in many ways. One, in particular, is how you are constantly put in a situation of a novice and learn to be an expert in things you didn't know existed just yesterday. Writing all types of essays is an illustrative example of such a situation. It's not easy, but you do your best. Still, no need to make it harder than it should be! We are here once again to help you brainstorm original and vivid illustration essay topics and inform your writing skills with good examples of illustrative essays. Continue reading
100 Good Rhetorical Analysis Topics for Fiction, Non-Fiction, Speeches, Ads, and More
A rhetorical analysis is a type of paper that dissects the means by which the message was conveyed in a text, speech, or another medium. Rhetoric topics for an essay or research paper often focus on non-fiction writing and public speeches, which are easy to analyze through the lens of the rhetorical triangle, message, speaker vs. audience dynamic, artistic and inartistic proofs, etc. Continue reading