The Gray is an American adventure drama film based on a short story by Ian Mackenzie Jeffers titled Ghost Walker. The film, directed by Joe Carnahan, tells the story of an unruly group of oil workers after a plane crash in Alaska. A pack of gray wolves pursues the crash survivors mercilessly killing all except the lead actor Ralph Ottway (Liam Neason). The oilmen are mortally wounded, and the cold weather only serves to exacerbate their condition. They also have difficulties reaching agreements while others question the leadership of leader Ottway. The film presents several themes and is hugely impressive to ...
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The reason why I chose Humanistic theory is because it is based on two philosophies, existentialism and phenomenology. Existentialism focuses on what is believed to be subjective like beliefs and religion, feelings and emotions like freedom, pain, guilt and regret as opposed to analysing objective knowledge, science or language. Phenomenology emphasizes on the study of conscious experiences. It involves the systematic reflection and analysis of the structure of the consciousness and all the phenomena which appear in acts of consciousness. Basically, humanists hold that the present is the most significant aspect of an individual and mentally healthy people takes ...