The American society is full of different ethnicities and races. However, every ethnicity aims for better life and understanding between each other. For achievement of these goals, the better solution may be found as education. Though, it is a very complicated and controversial issue. Hence, every ethnicity has different perspectives of the process of obtaining the education. On the other hand, it should be mentioned that the opportunities for getting an education are not equal. Therefore, this inequality forms a level of education among the popularity of the USA. This issue has been deeply investigated among the sociologists and ...
Essays on Diploma
144 samples on this topic
Crafting gobs of Diploma papers is an inherent part of modern studying, be it in high-school, college, or university. If you can do that single-handedly, that's just awesome; yet, other learners might not be that lucky, as Diploma writing can be quite challenging. The database of free sample Diploma papers offered below was set up in order to help struggling students rise up to the challenge.
On the one hand, Diploma essays we present here clearly demonstrate how a really well-written academic paper should be developed. On the other hand, upon your demand and for a fair cost, an expert essay helper with the relevant academic experience can put together a fine paper model on Diploma from scratch.
Part 1
Part 2 I agree with Akers & Chingos (2014) that, “increases in lifetime incomes of college-educated Americans have more than kept pace with increase in debt loads.” According to their research, the average household with student debt has experienced an increase in annual income of $7400 while total debt increased by only eighteen thousand dollars. The statistics show that income of educated Americans has been increasing at a faster rate than the increase in student debt and the increased annual income can pay the additional debt within two to three years (Akers & Chingos, 2014). The increase in borrower’s income ...
Figure 1: Reasons for not choosing classroom learning9
Executive Summary
Premiere College has been in operation since 2006. In a bid to embrace technological advancement and make education more convenient for the students, the college embarks on the development of an online program for the courses offered. The research proposal outlines a plan to add the online component through a step-by-step exploration of what is needed and how it can be achieved. It explores the issue of costs and ensuring the program is in line with the college mission and goals. It analyzes how the program is likely to benefit the ...
The New York police department exists to ensure that the constitutional rights of all residents in New York are guaranteed by preserving a safe environment that reduces fear, ensures that laws are protected and that peace is observed in the city (Stanislas 22). Regardless of their ranking, all officers are obligated to protect life and property. The New York police department conducts patrols, collects evidence, testifies in court, arrests suspects, enforces laws, completes paperwork, issues citations, and collects evidence (Crank and John 21). The objective of this paper is to detail the process that is followed to become a ...
The current event that will be analyzed in this discussion is the news article entitled “Women, Southerners Most Likely to Earn Minimum Wage” (Soergel, n.p.). The news article offers various important information about the economic significance of having an equal labor treatment. Meaning, not all workers are able to experience some benefits like what others do. Primarily, the news article’s objective is to inform readers about the likelihood of some individuals to earn less than what other employees earn. Additionally, the article wants to persuade the readers in relation to the effects of education towards the future employment ...
The project management professional (PMP) certification targets project managers who possess formal training in addition to a three-year work experience in the field of project management. The PMP certification commands an international recognition plus high value in regards to project management. The primary goal of this certificate is to evaluate as well as measure objectively the candidate's professional knowledge. Its pursuance is governed unbiased by the applicable laws. PMI offers oversight of the given process, and a qualifying candidate must pass a set exam do as to get the certification. Qualification for the PMP exam requires the fulfillment of ...
Customer service representative
The company seeks to recruit an individual with ideal qualification for the position of customer service. Applicant must have the following requirements and qualification Active listening and strong communication skills specifically on phone contact Ability to engage clients, multitask, manage time and prioritize effectively Proven presentation skills Degree or diploma certificate Experience in customer service delivery Ability to work as a team Ability to analyze and solve problems Clear track record winning quota Technical capacity Result oriented Customer service job is very wanting. It requires high competence from the individual hired. This is the reason why a high school ...
Reading Data
This evaluation was concentrated on review two set of research studies conducted before and after the Olympic Games in London 2012. The first study was performed by Selvanayagam et al. (2012) before the Olympics Games commenced. The study sought to know the influence of the games in the health sector by performing a content analysis on the areas covered by media during the pre-games in Newham. The research used data as reported in the media regarding the employees, increased activities and personal wellbeing. After the review of 351 articles that met the selection tactics were considered within the analysis ( ...
PERSONAL MISSION STATEMENT 3 ELEVATOR SPEECH 3 EDUCATION 3 DeVry Plan of Study 3 DeVry Course Description 4 DeVry Academic History 4 RESUME 5 Objective: 5 Professional Summary: 5 Education: 6 Work Experience: 6 Skills: 7 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPEMNT AND TRAINING 7
REFERENCE LIST 10 AWARDS AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS 11 VOLUNTEER HISTORY SECTION 12 PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS 12 CAREER PATHING 12 1 Year Goals 12 2 Year Goals 12 5 Year Goals ______________________________________________________________________12 STATEMENT OF AUTHENTICITY I acknowledge the work provided as the author of the information and I present the information and attached documents as my original work. The provided description ...
Executive Summary
In general, the diplomas mentioned in the paper below have brought revolutionary changes to my personality and mind-set. They have broadened my vision and changed my attitude towards certain concepts in certain ways (that I have explained in the later parts of the assignment). I feel to have some inborn qualities relevant to the subjects that I took up and these courses have helped me polish my skills and expertise, and update my knowledge. As the course progressed, I could feel my development as a learner stage by stage. My teachers, supervisors, and group fellows have come in as ...
A college education should be worth its future investment. Trending developments and high technological means of using ideas and knowledge advance society. A college education helps people have a better standard of living. Thus, modern society places a premium on those who have college degrees, despite its cost and sacrifices. The rapid increase of students in colleges today is a common trend that shows young people want to become better persons in the future. Notwithstanding the cost, many of them are aware that, if they are able to get a good degree and be able to apply their knowledge, ...
The American dream has become a fabled idea to everybody around the world envisioning a better life. It represents something that can be attained if a person is willing to work hard enough. The only question today is, does it still exist? While economic and employment disparities will argue whether it does or not, the American population holds on to the dream. Seemingly, it depends on who you talk to. Ephraim Polsky, 89, a Polish immigrant, moved to America with his family when he was six. He did not speak English, and had to be homeschooled by his mother ...
The young generation endeavors to build a healthy and high-performance society based on principles of activity, vitality of the body and positivity. According to that and due to the fact of raising unfavorable disasters the popularity rating of starting the career within the healthcare area has been increasing throughout past decades. The many young adults show an interest in life saving and demonstrating their skills to provide the community with well-qualified medical workers such as registered nurses (RN). It is significant to absorb the features of the nursing profession in order to estimate its pros and cons for those ...
This report is aimed to provide the description of the course I teach, touch upon the ohilosophy, teaching materials, give characteristics to one of the subjects as well as describe used teaching approaches.
At the college (the name of college is needed) I teach Employability Skills, Introduction to Computers, and Business Travel. These subjects form part of the newly opened Business Department.
Philosophical values and approach
The philosophical values that are maintained by the program are based on the adult education concepts of such scholars as Ellias and Merriam. The program that I teach supports behaviorism in adult education and emphasizes such concepts ...
One of the most beneficial experiences that immensely affects the whole life of a person is an opportunity to study abroad. Training and education abroad refer to the acquisition of knowledge as well as mastery of a foreign language. A growing number of students is dreaming about a chance to be admitted to an educational institution oversees. However, it is worth noting that studying abroad has both advantages and disadvantages. Presumably, a key advantage of studying in a foreign country is closely related to language. As a rule, students whose native language is not English prefer to spend a ...
Every person has particular characteristics and qualities. An educated person obtains particular knowledge and knows how to use it effectively. The core quality of an educated person is the “sense that that person has learned how to engage in the dynamic between established knowledge and critical inquiry” (Bereiter & Scaamalia, 2012). An educated person is able to find an intrinsic value of the things and has wide interests. Intellectual growth is an integral part of the educational process. Besides, an educated person has intellectual creativity, and can play with the ideas by offering different possibilities. Education impacts future job, well-being ...
The United States has the highest prison population in the world while having only 5 percent of the world’s population (Liptak, 2008). While most of the people who are incarcerated are in the prison system because of non-violent or drug related offenses. With most of these consisting of Hispanic and African American people from lower income areas. This disproportion is caused mainly because of the lack of equal access to education. Four in every ten prisoners returns to jail within three years of being released “a collective rate that has remained largely unchanged in years, despite huge increases ...
Education and Healthy lifestyle are the shaking pillars of the American Dream
The American dream is no a destination, but a journey – to paraphrase a famous saying. Insanely quick development and emancipation of society has led to change of the game. Today it is not enough to be either smart or beautiful; in order to get ahead of others in modern the world, one needs to be both. Higher education has always been an index of success. Just as a body image becoming nowadays. People aim to take care of their brains just as much as they take care about their bodies. Especially the latter has been elevated to the rank ...
Executive Summary
The recruitment and retention process are the critical activity that ensures the organization has the right personnel with the qualities and skills that the organization demands to achieve its objective. This is clearly explained in the introduction part of this paper. The process needs a strategic plan to ensure its success hence the paper is giving the steps and activities to be useful in making the best recruitment for the post of human resource coordinator. There is job analysis that incorporates the full description of the position, and personal specifications we admire to see in our candidate. There is ...
Explaining the motivation for higher education
Higher education encompasses academic and professional education that occurs beyond secondary school. Many studies have elucidated the significance of higher education in the life of an individual and the society. A well-educated individual has special expertise needed to drive the economic agenda of a country. Employers underscore the centrality of advanced education as a prerequisite to incorporation into the mainstream employment structure. Higher education enables graduates to access job opportunities for which they have been trained to undertake. In so doing, these graduates can further their career objectives and make significant contribution to world through creativity, innovation and invention ( ...
Teenage pregnancy is a major problem affecting teenagers around globe. This is serious problem since it forces young girls and boys to drop out of school. Chances of these teenagers getting back to school after giving birth or later in life are minute. Thus, the dreams of these teen advancing to college and securing white collar jobs with sustainable income are shuttered. As such these girls and boys are forced to become young mothers and fathers at tender age while doing two to three jobs to have enough income to take care of the baby. Additionally, this problem does ...
Henry is a strong supporter of Egalitarianism, who argues that all human beings are equal and hence deserve equal chances. However from this excerpt, Henry is in support of elitism when it comes to shaping the American education system which he argues to have failed. Of most importance to note is the fact that elitism completely contradicts the main principles of egalitarianism. Henry argues that the American education system should be restructured so that only a few remain to offer degree and diploma programs. The rest (the majority of the community colleges) he thinks should be used to provide ...
Reflection Paper about ACCA and CMA
The ACCA, which stands for the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, is one of the international bodies for the professional accountants based in the United Kingdom. It was established in the year 1904 by eight individuals. During its initial years, ACCA was known as the London Association of Accountants. Its name changed to ACCA in 1984. The core values of this accounting body have been accountability, integrity, innovation, diversity, and opportunity. Regarding membership, ACCA supports 455,000 students and 178,000 members in 181 countries (ACCA, 2015). Consequently, this demonstrates that ACCA is popular, especially in the Commonwealth nations. ...
There are many different ways to which one can become a Registered Nurse (RN). These routes entail undergoing different forms of training. This training involves pursuing a diploma program, an associated degree and a baccalaureate degree in nursing. The diverse ways are mainly marked by different forms of education attainment. Baccalaureate nursing education involves training that takes place in both diploma and associate degree nursing plus some extra more courses and range of studies in other aspects. Studies have identified that the level of education attainment among the training of nurses makes a difference in their competencies and practice ( ...
I always thought that education plays very important role in the today’s society. It is the main means of wealthy, successful and even healthy life. That is why any respectful person, to my mind, must get a good and high-quality education, from elementary to college degree. Going to college will definitely improve your life. If you are going to college, you are an ambitious person willing to make better not only your life, but also the future of your family. It is a well-known fact that college graduates earn more money and have steadier jobs than high school ...
Adult education embraces many countries to produce people who have better-working capabilities, have good family relations, as well as forming the foundation for better citizenship. “Adult and Continuing Education Programs play a very crucial role in the development aspect of any society. “(Rogers). Adult education enhances the education levels for various individuals who are not able to receive the core and the standard education. “A persons; lifestyle” is a part of their level of education (Barton) Adult education serves all individuals who are sixteen years and older without an education. It also includes people with no education at all ...
Career in Real Estate Sector Introduction Real estate refers to land and building the ownership of which is the dream of every human on this earth. That is why; a career in real estate sector is highly rewarding, and it offers a variety of career opportunities such as residential real estate broker, commercial real estate broker, real estate investment consultant, and project development expert. The two types of real estate properties are Commercial Properties including an office building, industrial complexes, and office complexes; and Residential Properties encompassing bungalows, houses, duplex houses or the same where people reside. The real ...
Data from the U.S. census bureau can be used for a multitude of purposes. Statistical data regarding employment, incarceration, age, socioeconomic status, and industries can help predict trends and analyze the current state of things. Census bureau statistical analysis can help predict trends or address concerns of the state, county, or community. The data is invaluable since the survey can be filled out by anyone and everyone. Although not everyone in the country will complete and turn in the survey, enough people will comply and enable a representative sample group with much diversity with which to complete a thorough ...
Introduction The South Australian Institute of Business Technology (SAIBT) is a partner of the University of South Australia (UniSA) that offers a direct path of admission into various degree programs of the university. SAIBT offers diploma courses that lead into the second year of various undergraduate programs at UniSA. These diploma courses are equivalent to the first year courses that the university offers her students (UniSA, 2016). It follows that any student who wishes to study in UniSA must undergo through a SAIBT diploma program before eventual admission into undergraduate courses. This paper aims at developing a promotional plan ...
Accounting is a major profession within the larger field of business management and administration. It deals with the recording, analysis and reporting of the financial operations business enterprises. Accountants are the professionals who analyze and prepare financial statements that serve as a useful tool for evaluating business’s success or failure. These professionals serve as the key link between a business and its decision makers. The reports they prepare are used by different stakeholders such as management, employees, stockholders, regulators and creditors. This paper presents a detailed analysis of the career path for accountants.
Career Path Options for Accountants
The field of financial accounting ...
Nurses have the pride to protect in the routine requirements of their profession. Notably, every nurse is usually passionate about their support to reformed and continued learning for practice advancement. The following is an overview of my position in the trade based on IOM recommendations. In the fourth recommendation, the IOM suggests that the government increases the proportion of BSN nurses to eighty percent over the next four years. Given this recommendation, I recognize the fact nursing comes from reducing the errors of commission and omission. Such instances are a type of care that anything less of a BSN ...
What impact is it leading to?
PepsiCo has created the potential to recharge two billion litres of water. The company achieved this by application ReCon water, which is a program steered towards improvement of water use efficiency. They also repaired all the leaks in their beverage plants to recycling and reusing water. In 2013, PepsiCo’s operational water efficiency programs had an achievement in water flow and managed to serve more than fourteen million people. In turn they made a saving of $15 million.
Is it hype (false marketing)? Or does it have a positive impact?
The marketing of the strategies of PepsiCo is not hype and it has very positive impact on the environment and even ...
It’s an election year and voters are hearing a great deal, once again, about the “American dream.” Candidate Donald Trump pledges to “restore” the American dream and candidate Hillary Clinton kicked off her campaign with a speech about the American dream. It makes for good copy, but how attainable and for whom is the American dream designed? When it comes to discussing education as a vehicle for future success, the American dream may not have died, but the road to get there has surely become treacherous and pitted. The concept of the American dream was originally coined by ...
The former student athlete interviewed in this case is Hayden Blessing, who currently is in a sports career at Mercer University. He used to be a varsity basketball player at the Oklahoma Baptist University. He asserts that his being an athlete helped him get through college in four years, and he actually ended up graduating with a university diploma. Thus he credits his being an athlete for being able to finish college and obtain a diploma, which in turn aided him in getting his job in sports at Mercer University. He cites a number of advantages of being a ...
Composition I (GT-CO1): Winter15-C-8-ENG101-1
As student loan debts skyrocket, young Americans hoping to establish a decent standard of living are forced to take on this insurmountable debt in order to pursue a higher education. Therefore, college is a necessary evil in today’s fast paced, highly skilled and competitive global market. No longer are entities like large labor unions a feasible option for the working class individuals who stop their educational pursuit after receiving a high school diploma. Instead, in the current age there is a need, almost a requirement for a minimum of a Bachelor’s degree, and ideally up to a ...
Determining the factors that contribute to the domestic violence and child abuse can be a start in reducing the high rates of domestic violence around the country. The factors will be examined based on the psychosocial assessment. The mother has a history of domestic abuse and this history will probably continue on with the children. She came to the agency for the financial assistance. The family stayed in the abusive partnership for around 10 years have severe effects on the two children that have problems in school and also left the consequences to the mother the victim. Since she ...
In his work, Plutarch once said: “For the mind does not require filling like a bottle, but rather, like wood, it only requires kindling to create in it an impulse to think independently and an ardent desire for the truth.” (Babbitt, Helmbold, Einarson, Clement, & O'Neil, 1927) That was true in Plutarch’s times and remains true until now. I am inclined to believe that it’s better to develop oneself in the field that is interesting to you rather than to fill your head with any “useful” information. Another question – what is interesting to me? I entered college 15 ...
Education is considered to be one of the most important values in the modern society. Nowadays education is essential to obtain a good job and become respectable member of the community. Many people treat it as some kind of certificate, degree or diploma. It is assumed that people, who managed to finish their studies, are well-educated. Nevertheless, the vision of education is changing with the globalization processes and technological progress. People are willing to take advantage of the innovative possibilities through distant learning and self-studies. The society is facing a shift from the traditional education to more constraint-free and ...
Essay Outline
Proposed Title: _College A Necessary Evil__________________________________________ Proposed Thesis: In this globalized world of advanced technology, it is crucial to obtain a college education to solidify success in the workplace.
Reason 1: Staying relevant in a competitive job market.
Evidence 1: Too many unemployed, yet not enough jobs available to secure employment. Evidence 2: A large number of low skilled jobs no longer available in the United States. Evidence 3: Marketing your skills to companies. Reason 2: Establishing your value to potential employers. Evidence 1:
Competing with too many skilled and well trained job seekers.
Evidence 2:
Proficiency in computer skills such as Microsoft Office.
Evidence 3:
A bachelor’s degree is no longer enough.
Reason 3: No college education results in remaining in a lower socio-economic class. Evidence 1:
Income equality gap is growing larger.
Evidence 2:
Direct correlation in evidence of income based on level of education that cannot be ignored.
Evidence 3: As ...
Psychology: Alberta Banner Turner
Introduction Alberta Banner Turner, first ever African American who has received a degree of PHD in psychology from Ohio State University, is a role model and counsellor for youngsters and has been a pioneer in the field of psychology (African American Pioneers in Psychology, n.dat.). The objective of this paper is to discuss the biography of Alberta Banner Turner, one of the early female and ethnic minority pioneers in the field of psychology. This paper is divided into five sections. First section talks about the personal and educational history of Alberta Banner Turner. Second section deliberates the professional life ...
International Nursing
Educational Requirements A large number of areas in Canada desire any registered nurse to have a minimum of a bachelor’s degree. The degree may be a Bachelor of Nursing degree or a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree. In addition, a person may need a nursing diploma in they desire to be a practical nurse in Canada. Degree programs will last for almost four years while diploma courses characteristically last for almost three years. Nonetheless, a large number of individuals engaged in nursing are still in college, but those pursing nursing currently are required to enroll in universities (Canadian Nurses Association, 2009).
Degrees on Offer
A large number ...
In comparison with other western developed or industrialized countries, the United States of America has been established by various researchers and scholars to be the leading in teen pregnancy. Despite the fact that the teen pregnancies have been declining over years, various reports according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicates that the U.S. still has a higher rate of teen pregnancies than any other developed country (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2015). This statistics emphasizes on the need of taking teen pregnancy as a matter of great ...
Most people aspire to develop a career in different disciplines working in organizations managing other people or being managed. I have always aspired to manage people. My career aspiration is to work for multi-national organizations as a human resource management specialist developing solutions that will ensure effective human resource management. A degree specializing in Human Resource Management will boost my marketability as a Human Resource professional by enabling me to acquire the relevant knowledge and professional skills that employers look for in the marketplace. I believe specializing in Human Resource Management at Kelley Business School will enable acquire an all-inclusive insight in ...
We are living in an evolved world of communication. The evolution of technology gave people power to communicate without seeing the recipient nor the sender face to face. Moreover, socializing in the internet gave many people friends though they don’t know them. In this case, the private life of each individuals are being publicize online. Many negative feedbacks are being thrown to online social networks because of misuse of their users. The end result will be cyber wars because of the thoughts being thrown one to another. However, if we will use the features of these social networks ...
According to the New York State Department of Health (2013), the rate of teenage pregnancy in Bronx was 97.4 per every 1,000 teenage females between the ages of 15 and 19 in 2011. That number is significantly lower than the rate of 136.4 pregnancies per 1,000 teenage females, but Bronx alone has the highest prevalence of teenage pregnancies when compared to entire New York City, which recorded a 69.9 teenage pregnancy rate per 1,000 teenagers between the ages of 15 and 19.
According to Kost and Henshaw (2013), teen pregnancy rates in New York are the highest ...
Education is compulsory for every person as it serves as a gateway to a successful and contented life. After completing high school the large amount of tuition fees in the colleges makes it difficult for more than fifty percent of the students to opt for a good career. The cost of tuition fees in colleges at times makes it impossible for the students to continue with their studies, so they enter the work field after completing high school education. Moreover, most students select a college which provides tuition programs free of cost; however, these programs are not up to the students’ caliber. Some ...
In recent years, there has been an increased interest in the study of high school retention in the United States. A high school diploma is a basic indicator of educational attainment, yet graduation rates have remained flat for decades. When the U.S. Department of Education’s data is compared to the data provided on census information, the numbers do not compare. The Common Core of Data (CCD), which is the information used by the U.S. Department of Education (USDEC), does not account for student who are repeating the 9th grade. It follows students from the 9th – 12th grade, but ...
The name is Takesha Lashawn Proctor. I am an African American. African Americans have a very long and rather rich ethnic history characterized by certain points of ups and downs. As of the latest consensus conducted in the United States, it appears that African Americans comprise roughly 14.1 percent of the total U.S. population. This actually means there are a lot of people who has the same ethnic origin as me living in the U.S.
I am proud to be an African American. I am more than aware that issues of racial discrimination and injustices are still present and in some ...
Stars Hollow Hat Company is a manufacturing firm that manufacturers and coincidentally looks for market for her finished good. Given this nature, the firm would thus require three major departments along which the job families shall be aligned. These include: management, production and sales. The following discourse focuses on firm in terms of the probable job families that would project the firm into greater heights of development.
Management/ administration: members of this department are charged with the supervisory role of the entire firm. They are mandated with the day to day decision making and ensure that both the process of ...
Executive Summary Websites play a major role of providing information about individuals, business, non-profit organizations, and governments. A website is the easiest way that people, businesses, governments, and non-profit organizations use to post their information to attract customers. Additionally, people, businesses, governments, and non-profit organizations use websites as advertising platforms to showcase their products to their potential clients. Most people access websites by connecting them to an internet source. In general, websites serve different purposes namely entertainment, information, and educational purposes. The huge amounts of data available and the various applications of websites make them important instruments in different ...
The nursing department has various employees who are charged with the responsibility of attending to the needs of the different patients in different ways. Some of these responsibilities require attending directly to the needs of the patients while others involve ensuring that the patients get the best healthcare that they need from their environment. As such, it will involve meeting the needs of the different clients by ensuring that the health professionals in the department meet the expectations of the patients. For this interview, Virginia Reyes was interviewed, and she works as a home health aide in the institution. Her ...
Based on the three customer personas, which customer segment should Ontela target?
The company should concentrate its energy on the promotion of application to persona 1 (Sarah, the Parent). First of all, the segment of parents after 40 years is quite wide. Also, due to constant workload with home staff, this category of customers doesn’t have time for understanding every know-how. However, parents always want to see children’s development, and memories are very important for them. Unfortunately, there is no never-ending memory on devices, so to store photos, which size is quite volume, makes it problematic to take new ones before transfer them to bigger space. The category of ...
Description of professional socialization
It is difficult to define professional socialization because there are differences of opinion over the definition of professional socialization among scholars, and different scholars have defined it differently. Professional socialization is the process through which individuals acquire different skills to meet professional needs and by quitting the old habits (Dinmohammadi, Peyrovi, & Mehrdad, 2013). Professional socialization is done through different programs instilling different attitudes, values and norms into the employees. Professional socialization is the name for the acquisition of culture though a channel. It is also defined as the process of internalization, integration and learning (Bell, Campbell, & Goldberg, 2015). Three ...
The University of Houston’s Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders has recognized the value of providing clinical services to the local communities. The Sunnyside community in Houston, Texas has actually been categorized as one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in the United States . Due to the increased congestion of residents, in conjunction with lack of economic and social support, youths in the area were identified to resort to criminal activities as a means for survival. In this regard, newly graduates from the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences have formed a non-profit organization, the Sunnyside Youth Ministry, to provide ...
Program evaluation extends the understanding of the subject being evaluated to include the "inputs", processes and objectives of the program, and sometimes its context. This approach is based on the assumption that the evaluation function is to determine the degree of achievement of the stated goals or objectives of the program. Details about the ethnic and demographic guise, features of economic activity, family and social life of illustrate tribes’ diversity comprising Alaska Native, American Indian, or Native Homesteads. The variety, a large palette of specific features and ethno-cultural phenomena shows that many manifestations and cultural phenomena of these minorities ...
According to the words of Aristotle, “The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet” (Aristotle), and as we know the first bitter roots of our education are usually tasted in high school. A high school diploma is the evidence that a person has gone through a vital step of his or her life. Having a high school diploma means that a person was working on various topics during many years to become a broad-minded and educated individual and a worthy member of the society. Graduating from high school also means that along with acquiring the general knowledge of all the important ...
Along with health- and welfare-related rights, the right to housing is one of crucial human rights. Thus homelessness represents an important human rights and social concern. According to the definition by the UN Economic Commission for Europe Conference of European Statisticians, homelessness can be viewed either as primary state (rooflessness or the case of persons, living in the streets) or a secondary one (the case of persons with no place of usual residence, who often move between different types of temporary accommodation) (UN Economic and Social Council 3). In the US homelessness is viewed in broader terms. According to the ...
Musical Theater and Musical shows have been around for centuries. In the beginning, a musical show was the “integration of narrative, song, and dance characteristics” that “glorified beautiful women and surrounded them with comedian, singers, and dancers” (Reynolds and McCormik). From the early 1900 to 1930’s, the theater supporter was charmed by Minstrel shows, Variety Shows, and Follies which led to musicals with dramatic action. As the theater progressed, dance numbers became more a part of the entire show. Over the next 30-40 years Broadway Musicals would hit their highs and lows, but it was all too evident that the ...
In this article, written by Jean-Claude Passeron and Emmanuel Pedler, the authors describe the sociology of artistic reception, which is logical and philosophical act of the aesthetic experience such as pictorial, musical and literary. Further, the authors explain that the esthetic of reception can be understood through three principles. Firstly, perceptibility principle, which indicates that, the survey only includes the work supposed by the real publics. Secondly, there is specificity principle, which represents that before making final interpretation, observation is made then consequences of the methods used are checked and then any final decision is made. Thirdly, there is ...
Personal Narrative: A Life Changing Situation
The day had finally come, my most awaited day. I was moments away from walking to the podium and receive my diploma. It was a moment like no other. I have never understood why I was so excited. Was everybody else receiving their diploma as thrilled as I was? As I waited in the queue, images and thoughts swirled rapidly captivating my mind. I was simply in a trance. I was recounting the many days and sleepless nights I spent studying for me to reach this moment of my life (Birch 17). All the time turned around and gazed at the ...