Activity 1: Appendix D; Financial Activity Tasks
A: Asset Register (for the Month of June) B: Transaction Allocation and Coding C: Identification of receipts and payments Coding: R = Revenue, P = Payment, CR = Cash Receipt
D: Allowances and deductions
E: Other statutory reports for a partnership Option 1: calculate GST and report quarterly G1: 420,000 Does the amount show at G1 include GST: YES PAYG tax withheld: W1: 12,500 Option 1: Pay a PAYG instalment amount quarterly T7: 2,210 Summary: 1A: 38,181 4: 2,040 8A: 40,221 1B: 36,298 8B: 36,298 Payment amount: 9: 3,923 Annual income tax Fringe benefits tax Taxable Payment ...