Essays on Internet

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If you are in the process of writing an essay about Internet, you will find the following information extremely beneficial. We have gathered previously unpublished paper on Web-related topics in one place. Find a suitable example and use it to develop your own research paper.

Students writing about the significance of the Internet should not fail to mention that its emergence and evolution set into motion a host of industrial disruptions and societal transformations. As such, the Internet is the backbone of almost every major change in the 21st century. The gripping power of the technology is not likely to stay confined to the niches it currently occupies, as long as nothing prevents it from spilling over into other dimensions of human life. However, given the unrestricted adoption and transformation of the Internet, as well as the lack of meaningful institutional restraints, the latter scenario can hardly transpire. When writing how digital technology has shaped the modern world, it is recommended to focus on its role as a crucial resource, especially for developing countries in which a computer remains a prohibitively expensive commodity.

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