The use of skin care bundle among hospitalized adult sick people can reduce the risk of skin breakdown compared to standard care of practice Pressure ulcers are a common problem in acute care hospitals, specifically among obese patients in intensive care units. Pressure ulcers or sores are common, serious but preventable health issues in the healthcare system. Pressure ulcers are associated with low quality of life, increased expenditure, increase hospital stay, and poor health outcomes (Bhattacharya & Mishra 2015). Hospital-acquired pressure ulcers (HAPU) are preventable if repositioning and turning techniques. However, the evidence on the effectiveness on these techniques is ...
Essays on Johansen
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To some students, composing Johansen papers comes easy; others require the help of various types. The collection includes professionally crafted sample essays on Johansen and relevant issues. Most definitely, among all those Johansen essay examples, you will find a paper that get in line with what you imagine as a decent paper. You can be sure that literally every Johansen item presented here can be used as a glowing example to follow in terms of overall structure and composing different parts of a paper – introduction, main body, or conclusion.
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Over the years, entrepreneurship has come to bear different meanings to different people which explain the various myths that people have regarding entrepreneurship. Tracing its roots, it is decipherable that it is a French term that originated from the word ‘entreprendre.’ The word has the meaning ‘to undertake’ which in a business context implies starting a business. A point of note, however, is that entrepreneurship does not just entail having a great concept or business idea. It also entails having a plan on how one will reach the potential customers in a way that is both efficient and affordable ( ...
Hengel, Jamil, Mein, Maher, Kaldo, & Guy (2013), systematically reviewed several strategies and their respective outcomes for gonorrhea and Chlamydia screening. Their study was necessitated by the fact that the prevalence of Chlamydia and gonorrhea was high among populations who lack regular access to health care centers where they can be tested for different sexual diseases (STIs). The main goal of their study was to establish the effectiveness and outcomes of various outreach gonorrhea and Chlamydia screening strategies. This is because testing and treating STIs is the most effective approach to preventing adverse impacts of STIs on infected people. Untreated ...
Delegation can be said to be a major tool used in contracts law. Delegation tends to occur when a party to a contract transfers the authority or responsibility given to perform a certain duty to another party. The settling of the case between South Dakota and the Department of Interior was a constitutional delegation of power. According to section 5 of the Indian recognition act, ‘’ the Secretary of the Interior is at this moment authorized, in his discretion, to acquire through purchase, relinquishment, gift, exchange or assignment any interests in land within or without existing reservations, including trust’’ through ...
Global warming and climate change are two different terms that have been used over the years to describe different phenomena. Global warming refers to a subsequent increase in the global average temperature (Black & Weisel 5). On the other hand, climate change refers to global climate changes due to increasing average global temperatures brought by changes in rain patterns, increased drought and heat waves. These future projections in the change of global rainfall patterns can be derived from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports over the years. The argument that the use of term global warming has been ...
Introduction The paper is intended to evaluate the importance of ethical decision making and to critically discuss the factors that affect the choice of an individual within the company (Ferrell & Fraedrich, 2016; Jones, 1991). Most of the managers and managements within the firms and organizations are now considering the importance of ethics in their practices and decision making (Samson & Draft, 2011). Either it is business firms, business people or government; all are concerned about the ethics. Based on the scenario that Radax is the company of the manager’s best friend, yet the bids of the company are not ...
Can female participation in the labor force contribute to economic growth? Is there a causal relationship between female participation in the labor force and economic growth? This paper addresses these questions using the vector error correction model. For this study, an annual time series data for the period 1970 to 2012 for the United States has been used. The results show that there exists a co-integration between female participation and GDP per capita, which is a proxy measure for economic development. The result does not support a two-way causality between the variables. However, a causality running from GDP per ...
Article Review
Brenner, H., Chang-Claude, J., Seller, C. M., Rickert, A., & Hoffmeister, M. (2011). Protection From Colorectal Cancer After Colonoscopy: A Population-Based, Case-Control Study. Ann Intern Med, 22-30.
The article, Protection from Colorectal Cancer after Colonoscopy, by Herman Brenner, Jenny Chang-Claude, Christoph M. Seller, Alexander Rickert and Michael Hoff Meister, seeks to define the relation between risk of Colorectal Cancer and previous colonoscopy. Colorectal Cancer, CRC, is common in both men and women; it is common in women than men. There are more than 1 million cases of CRC worldwide, and it claims more than 500,000 deaths annually (Brenner, Chang-Claude, ...
“Keeping the peace: Conflict management strategies for nurse managers” by Johansen Mary
The specific conflict that the author addresses in this article is the interpersonal conflict. In the previous section, the author was able to describe the conflict as a form of disagreement of which the involved parties perceive a threat to their needs, interests, or concerns. However, those conflicts that occur in healthcare environments tend to be complicated as they normally involve the ongoing complex relationships that bases on emotions. A conflict also entails substantive, procedural and the psychological dimensions of which the participants in the conflict would respond on the basis of their perceptions regarding the particular situation. Therefore, ...