The following are the financial ratios for the company, Tyler Technologies Inc.
Profit Ratio Gross profit/ Net sales 93.48 million/194.50 million
The gross profit ratio is 0.4806169666
Liquidity Ratio Current assets/ current liabilities 36.95 million/22.26 million
The liquidity ratio is 1.6599
Debt Ratio Total liabilities/total assets 22.26 million/36.95 million
The debt ratio is 0.6024
Market Ratio Net earnings/number of shares 36.42 million/36.63 million
The market ratio is 0.99426
Analysis of the Ratios Tyler Technologies a technology company that deals in technology solutions, which includes hardware and software. The company is listed on the New York Stocks Exchange. From the latest financial statement, the ratios show that the firm is on a growth trend (Pew Tan, Plowman, & Hancock, 2007). The profit ratio and the debt ratio indicate that the firm is doing ...