The USA is currently ranked among the countries with the high number of aging population in the world. However, the presence of aging population comes with consequences and a responsibility to the state and the society in entirety. Principally, the aging population is associated with myriads of limitations ranging from healthcare to the higher dependency level. Thus, the aging population does not command the power and energy to produce positively to the economy of a country. Ideally, the broader societal views have shaped the old age policies in the USA, and this becomes the backbone of the essay. Principally, ...
Essays on Policy Change
30 samples on this topic
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The President,
United States of America. Introduction The concept of corporate ethics is widely accepted today. In order to stabilize the growth and development of the overall U.S economy, industries regardless of their nature or size must be instructed to follow certain ethical guidelines. In the current corporate environment, it is advisable for the U.S government to introduce three key changes to its corporate governance framework. First, there should be a single body or statutory regime to deal with corporate governance affairs in the country. Second, corporate ethics is essential to distinguish the roles of chairman and chief executive officer in ...
Introduction Most nations make policies after they enter serious crisis. There is a general notion that a critical problem requires a critical solution. Thus, nations that came under Nazi or Japanese attack in the eve of the Second World War declared a state of emergency and made sweeping changes to their national policies. These changes had far-reaching impacts on the functioning of the arms of governments and the entire nation had to suspend various activities to implement the policies in response to the crises. However, after World War II, significant events have been considered as turning points in national ...
(Tutor’s Name) (Assignment)
Executive Summary The disclosure of engagement partners and other participants in audits of public companies can add to the transparency and accountability of financial reporting significantly as it has been suggested by PCAOB and approved by SEC. With the implementation of this policy change, investors and other financial statement users can know the identity of the engagement partners and other participants in the audit. Therefore, investors can make well-informed investment decisions based on these disclosures. However, these disclosures have both direct and indirect costs that will be ultimately passed on to the company management and ...
The critical care units of hospitals treat frequently treat patients by administering oxygen via the insertion of tubes into tracheostomies, the nose, or the mouth; nosocomial infections may result, leading to ventilator-associated pneumonia, or VAP (, 2015). The infection is not generally associated with non-sterile techniques during insertion, but rather from tube contamination. The nosocomial infection is most often diagnosed in intensive care departments and research has been directed toward identifying methods of oral care as a means of prevention. Comparisons of the effectiveness of sodium bicarbonate swabs with that of chlorhexidine swabs have been made and the hospital ...
Following the 9/11 2001 attacks on the US homeland, a commission was set up to investigate the attacks and the response by the US security agencies to the attacks. Known as the 9/11 Commission report, one of the recommendation sections of this report touched on communication as a response to such attacks in the future. According to this National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States Report, one of the lesson’s learned in the aftermaths of these attacks was the lack of proper communication channels among the then existing security agencies and authorities. As a matter of ...
Immigration policy in the U.S has evolved over the years, yet it has failed to address pertinent issues with regard to immigration, especially illegal immigration, which has continued to rise; a new policy approach would be necessary if the problems bedeviling immigration are to be addressed. America’s immigration policy has over the decades been a major public policy issue, especially during the peaks of election cycles. The immigration policy has by no means been harmonized in the country’s history. As a testament to this, the purview of immigration policy has more often than not been left to ...
Food deserts are those areas within cities where the local population has no or little access to fresh fruits and healthy vegetables. There is evidence that the food desert areas are more prevalent in the lower income neighborhoods. Lack of healthy foods leads to obesity and health ailments such as heart disease and diabetes. It is also seen that the neighborhoods with low-income are mostly African American. The essay discusses the Food deserts, what they mean and who is affected and how. Research works on food deserts in Baltimore city are looked into and how a lack of nutritious ...
Final Project
The nurse workforce has been growing substantially for the past two decades necessitated by the demand for quality care, an ever increasing population, increased complexity of illnesses as well as a new found passion by the current generation to seek career growth in nursing and healthcare. However, the role of education and nursing curriculum in facilitating the increasing number of nurses trained in various ways and for different roles cannot be assumed. The nursing curriculum has been redefined to accommodate many roles which traverse across direct care roles and indirect care roles (Lowe et al., 2012). On the other ...
This paper discusses the content of a recent academic article relative to Douglas Arnold’s The Logic of Congressional Action.
The academic article chosen for this paper was written by Jeffery Jenkins and Justin Peck. The title of the paper is Building toward Major Policy Change: Congressional Action on Civil Rights, 1941-1950. This article was published on February 31, 2013 by the American Society for Legal History with a digital object identifier number (DOI) 10.2307/23489453. In addition, this academic article is made up of 60 pages.
After several battles against Southern legislators employing all means to maintain ...
The process of instructing/teaching debating the affirmative proves a technical and philosophically based endevor as presented in this scholastic document. The instruction of debating the affirmative incorporates specific concepts related to vocabulary terms connected to this field. As a function of a representative democratic society debate on policies, affecting the quality of life of humans as equal entities makes the affirmative position for policy change an important technique for change in society. Therefore, the instructional intent of teaching debating the affirmative provides in the following document aspects about what an affirmative position needs apply in structuring an argument creating a policy change case. ...
The government is not only beneficial to the Americans in more ways than one, but also necessary. There are undertakings within the county’s setting that require the government’s oversight. The government is important as it ensures there is military control and protection of its citizens. Through the government, the country is provided with a defense system through which it can defend and or deter attacks within its boundaries. Government is important as it ensures the citizens therein are protected from other forms of worse or adverse power structures, which have the ability to form in the midst of ...
The major health challenge faced by individuals living within Newark revolves around sexually transmitted diseases. Based on the community`s medical statistics over four thousand individuals have had one of two common STD`s within the region. The common STD`s within Newark include Chlamydia and gonorrhea. Of the over four thousand individuals, 3,022 have had Chlamydia while 1,228 have had gonorrhea. The rational implemented while choosing the STD`s included identifying a health issue that closely links with reproductive health as identified within the healthy people 2020 (Office of Population Affairs, 2010). In addition, the rational also ...
1. Summary of the Paper The paper Expanding the Subject: Violence, Care, and (In)Active Male Citizenship by Sylvia Fuller, Paul Kershaw, and Jane Pulkingham discusses the proposed policy reorientation of active citizenship. The authors argued that the current social policy orientation is too focused on employment and dismisses violence against women as well as disregards men’s neglect of child-caring responsibilities. Their paper calls for the re-conceptualization of active citizenship to address and take into account these male dysfunctions (183-185). Using qualitative data from semi-annual open-ended interviews of seventeen mothers receiving income assistance in Vancouver, Canada, ...
Arthritis, osteoporosis, and chronic back conditions have conjoint effects to the life quality of the patient, the daily activities, and the ability to work. As a way of preserving the life quality of those with these conditions, it is necessary to develop ways in which we will be able to evade the adverse effects acquired upon procuring such conditions. By employing the use of advocacy campaigns strategies that include media advocacy, social marketing, and community organization, it ostensible that we will outdo the adverse effects resultant from the above mentioned conditions. In relation to this, this paper will essentially focus ...
Part 1: Do American’s Need Government?
Which institutions make a difference and how do they make a difference? Yes, American’s need government: the government is not only beneficial to the Americans in more ways than one, but also necessary. There are undertakings within the county’s setting that require the government’s oversight. The government is important as it ensures there is military control and protection of its citizens. Through the government, the country is provided with a defense system through which it can defend and or deter attacks within its boundaries. The government is also important as it ensures there is a means of representation for ...
Ventilator Assisted Pneumonia
Ventilator Assisted Pneumonia
Implementation Plan
The Policy and Procedure Committee of St. Mary’s Hospital was presented with a literature review and presentation suggesting a policy change; the change regarded care of ventilated patients in the Intensive Care Unit. The change promoted addressed incorporating oral hygiene measures in an effort to reduce ventilator assisted pneumonia (VAP) in the patients. The use of manual cleaning with chlorhexidine swabs or brush in conjunction with suctioning enhances the removal of bacteria from the buccal cavity. The presence of the bacteria encourages development of VAP. The Committee requested an implementation plan for further evaluation of the proposal.
Nurses in advanced roles apply “an expanded range of practical, theoretical, and research-based competencies to phenomena” (Barker, 2009, p.19) within specialized areas of nursing. Advanced roles include nurse practitioner, nurse educator, nurse informaticist, and nurse administrator. Each role is distinct yet all roles share similarities in the areas of clinical practice, primary care, education, administration, and research. This assumption is explored by comparing and contrasting the different roles. A good background on advanced nursing roles assists in situating this student’s own role as family nurse practitioner. Henceforth, it becomes easier to analyze this specific role in terms of ...
The establishment of an audit policy is an essential feature of security. The monitoring of the modification or creation of objects allows a network security administrator to track probable security problems, enabling him or her to guarantee user accountability and offering evidence in the occurrence of a security violation or breach. In order to ensure such security superiority in the organization, a number of events should be audited. In auditing them, windows will keep records of the events in the security log found in the event viewer. These events include account logon events, account management, directory service access, logon events, object access, ...
Public policy entails the actions taken by government with the aim of addressing a certain issue within the local, state, federal or even international stature. This requires the efforts of the government organizations in crafting and implementing the public policies in order to offer protection and benefits to their populations. It basically patents the obvious sense and conscience of the entire population within a state that spreads out and applies to issues pertaining the health, safety and safety welfare of the public. Additionally, public policy describes a clearly settled and generalized opinion by the public in terms of its relations to the ...
The nursing fraternity is a crucial facet of the overall medical arena, fundamental in the continued preservation and enhancement of patient health care and medical wellbeing. This therefore portends to the need of a coordinated effort, with respect to the implementation of various aspects pertinent to patient health improvement and the reduction of various forms/ types of medical errors. As earlier stated in previous studies, medical errors are not only attributed to human fallibility, but can also be attributed to systemic errors, thus the resulting gradual increase in complications and fatalities. The proposed evaluation plan’s core aim is to provide ...
Executive Summary
Health policy is particularly unique and unlike public policy in other areas, has some characteristics that set it out as a special kind of policy. Perhaps this is the reason why it attracts substantial political attention. The interest groups of health policy – the patients, the professionals, the government, the policy makers, the government and the non-governmental bodies – are keener on the changes in such policy than are stakeholders of other forms of social policy. This report focuses on health policy, with special attention to the ideas fronted by Dutton (2013), for his coalition regarding the Medicare locals. The policy is ...
Public policies are not only difficult to formulate but are even more difficult to implement since general public do not necessarily respond to any policy coherently. Similarly, when it comes to include some changes in an existing policy, similar hurdles are faced by public administrators. They have to look into every conceivable outcome of implementing such changes. It may take weeks and even months of study and discussion on changes in a public policy prior implementation. A simple public policy cycle followed by public administrators for implementing a policy is based on problem definition, agenda setting, policy development, implementation, and ...
Cell Phone Restriction in the Nursing Home
I am writing regarding the continued use of cell phones in the nursing home by CNAs. The current nursing home policy does not restrict the use of cell phones. Consequently CNAs are spending more time on their phone and this is compromising the quality of care we are offering to the patients under our care. Good policies enhance the delivery of quality health care services while bad policies act as hindrances to health care service delivery. The policies should be evaluated frequently to ensure they are in line with institutional vision and enhance service delivery. A practice CNA ...
The health care sector is responsible for offering quality health care that is efficient, effective, timely, accessible, equitable and patient centric. This can be achieved only when the players in the health care sector interact and have goals which are aligned to deliver quality services. The health care sector is guided by policies which control the interactions of the players in the health care sector. Health care policies should be evaluated occasionally to ensure that they are effective in promoting quality health care. This essay considers policy decision regarding the reimbursements Nursing Practitioners (NPs) receive from Medicare, Medicaid and ...
This paper shall discuss the barriers encountered by an organization in implementing change.
Change is inevitable in organizations as the business environment is dynamic and constantly changing yet in the process of implementing change organizations face several barriers some of which are discussed in this paper. Poor Leadership: Proper leadership is required to inspire people and motivate them to direct their energies to the new policy being implemented by the organization. Employees want the way shown to them. Unclear goals and objectives: An organization should state in clear terms the objectives and goals of the new policy it seeks to implement. Unclear goals and objectives do not specify the performance ...
Problems arising from the discussion between the Chief of Police and the Patrol Department
Communication between the chief of police and the patrol department is a classic example of horizontal communication. It essentially entails the communication between superiors to their juniors and vice versa. As such, the communication could be faced with a number of problems. The need for the juniors to demonstrate respect and obedience for their superiors essentially disallows them from freely expressing themselves. In the police structure and organization, commands and orders ought to be taken unchallenged. This limits the extent to which the patrol department can challenge or question the communication from then police chief. In addition, the police chief, like ...
The United States Needs More Skilled Foreign Workers
Despite what the current unemployment numbers suggest, the United States (U.S.) still needs highly skilled foreign workers and they need to be encouraged to stay for longer periods.
The U.S. prides itself as being a country built by immigrants and the great work ethic that has built this country. According to a study published by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, the expansion of the U.S. economy during the last decade of the 20th and the first part of the 21st centuries would not have been possible without immigration. Immigrants are valuable to our economy by filling an increasing number of ...
Article Review: Modern Leadership Theories in Criminal Justice
This article discusses three modern theories of leadership: trait theory, style theory, and situational leadership theory. Out of the three leadership theories, the author, Caol McKinney favors the situational leadership theory. I disagree. I favor the trait theory. Let me explain why.
Trait theory assumes that good leaders have certain traits in common. I agree. Good leaders have the following traits: the ability to understand and work with a wide variety of personalities, the ability to organize work and people, and the ability to know their own strengths and weaknesses. Knowing their own strengths and weaknesses is important when it ...
Recently there have been unprecedented levels of structural policy changes in Vocational Education and Training (VET) in Australia. The economic crises, demographic change, the impact of globalisation are examples of current and future challenges that continue to bedevil the VET sector in Australia[ CITATION Lou04 \l 2057 ]. Socioeconomic as well as political forces have contributed to major changes in the VET system. The economic discourses have dominated these changes pointing to the need for educational systems to contribute to economic development by equipping the future workforce with needed knowledge and skills. Diversification and immense needs of the economy have ...