In their research titled “Collaborative Interaction in Co-Located Two-User Scenarios”, Salzmann, Jacobs and Froehlich look into the aspect of using Immersive virtual environments especially in the assembly process in the automotive industry. The goal is to compare the outputs of the interactions of both co-located face-to-face and side-to-side users. The research is based on previous work done in collaborative virtual environments (CVEs) by authors such as Hinckley et al. and Margery et al. (Salzmann, Jacobs, and Froehlich). The researchers first studied the Side-by-Side Collaboration to identify whether a two user system had benefits compared to the single user systems. ...
Essays on Telepresence
3 samples on this topic
Crafting gobs of Telepresence papers is an essential part of present-day studying, be it in high-school, college, or university. If you can do that single-handedly, that's just awesome; yet, other students might not be that skilled, as Telepresence writing can be quite laborious. The catalog of free sample Telepresence papers introduced below was put together in order to help lagging students rise up to the challenge.
On the one hand, Telepresence essays we present here evidently demonstrate how a really exceptional academic piece of writing should be developed. On the other hand, upon your demand and for a reasonable price, an expert essay helper with the relevant academic background can put together a fine paper model on Telepresence from scratch.
The era of advanced technology provides the mankind with a set of innovative tools and solutions that are aimed at facilitating the interaction between separate participants of cooperation process. The possibility of bridging the gaps and uniting people from geographically remote locations stopped being a fictional story and turned into a usual practice applied by many organizations. The technology of telepresence has found itself in the spotlight of scientific discussions as a powerful means of opening the new horizons in the direction of video conferencing. Nowadays, people can abandon the chance of having long business trips to other cities ...
In the course of my research, one particular technology innovation I came across is 3D telepresence technology (Soderholm and Sonnenwald, 2010). In essence, this is a type of video technology that uses 3D models to aid in medical consultation (3DMC), to allow medical professionals to better communicate to their patients. Real-time 3D models permit the patient to see clearly what is happening in their body, and medical practitioners can use it to communicate their needs and the next step that must be taken. By using telepresence, medical professionals can literally be at the site of an accident in real time, ...